Giving Thanks While Giving Back
Thanksgiving may be over, but for Lexington-based hydration company Sword Performance, the gratitude continues.
“Fighting fires is a tough job. The heat, the physicality, the demands on the body… it can all really add up,” says Sword Performance CEO Darin Dillow. “These folks are quite literally putting themselves in the line of fire to protect their community, so we wanted to say ‘thank you’ to these hardworking men and women.”

Todd Houston, President of the Lexington Fraternal Order of Firefighters, stopped by Sword Performance’s office on Young Drive to collect the donation. Dillow is hopeful that the healthy hydration offering makes a big impact for the men and women who are on the front lines.
“Our SWORD® product is the perfect fit for fire services. The crews are exposed to extreme heat, their turnout gear is heavy, and their bodies are put to the test. SWORD® was originally designed to combat heat stress and fatigue in sport athletes, but we’ve really found that the industrial athletes, like firefighters, have just as much of a need for a clean and healthy way to stay hydrated and replenish what they lose when sweating and working hard.”
This won’t be the last expression of gratitude this holiday season. Dillow says the company has plans to donate to other groups in the Lexington area. “The Lexington community has been very supportive of Sword Performance since our inception in 2013. With everything else going on in 2020, a little kindness can go a long way.”