Meet the Founders: Scott Black
In many ways, Scott Black is the living embodiment of everything that Sword stands for. Combining a history in Sports Medicine and Exercise Physiology with a solid background in endurance athletics, Scott is a thoughtful and driven leader.
Where did you grow up?
Barbourville, Kentucky.
What was the first sport you participated in?
Football, basketball, baseball
Who were your idols growing up?
Loved the Miami Dolphins. Bob Griese, Larry Csonka, Mercury Morris.
What about now?
No idols. I appreciate the talent (and work) necessary to be an elite athlete in any sport. I also really respect the middle and back of the pack endurance athletes. They are getting to the end of some very difficult events through sheer will, determination, and hard work.
What was your top moment as an athlete?
Running a sub-3 hour marathon.
How did your education help you better formulate Sword?
Provided me with a better understanding of the physiologic demands of hard work.
What have you most enjoyed about the Sword journey so far?
Seeing a product I was involved in creating work.